Technology and its impact on humans

Ashirwad Thapa [2022-09-09]

Technology is tactical, strategic and ingenious. It was first created to limit human efforts and enlarge efficiency. Ever since it has been a boon for mankind and a treasure for the world to cherish.
Technology is tactical, strategic, and ingenious. It was first created to limit human efforts and enlarge efficiency. Ever since it has been a boon for mankind and a treasure for the world to cherish. The advancement doesn’t stop, this sector is evolving greater over time and is stating its importance to the world. Heavily relying on technology, it is difficult to comprehend a day without it. The reliability, however, has certain drawbacks that are proven facts over time.

Technology has taken over the traditional ways, it has taken over the human mind where it feeds the host information within seconds. It is making it impossible for people to read or write like it was done traditionally. It has disrupted the thinking process and has influenced everyday activities, even the basics. A mind with the capacity to go on reading for hours is now troubled and can barely stay focused for the first two pages. An easy way out and we have landed on distraction. It has influenced our areas of reading and writing, making our minds feeble and dull without any exercise. The mind being easily malleable, has reprogrammed the minds starting from the youths to the adults. It can reprogram itself and adopts at a biological level and technology plays the hugest role in doing so. It adopts new intellectuals and changes the way we could explain ourselves.

The most powerful technological aspect, the internet, has mapped the basics like calculator, clock, TV, etc. Though it has widened our range of communication, it demonstrates unhealthy dependency for all age groups. Because of this, the newspaper or the channel-providing agencies are in a loop of new advancements that are efficient for their readers or viewers. This process is the adoption of new technology and discarding the old and ancient forms of media. It's weird to think about the control it has over us and how it has turned us into automatons.
Author: Ashirwad Thapa
Publisher: EO
URL: Technology and its impact on humans